Biden administration to shift public attention towards severity instead of case numbers

“바이든 정부, 코로나 대응 초점 ‘확진자→중증환자’ 전환 검토”

The Biden administration in the United States is reportedly going to work to shift public attention from the total number of coronavirus cases… to the number of severe cases that are overloading health systems.
CNN reported Saturday local time that Biden was urged by his advisers in a meeting on Thursday to make this point to the American people as part of public discussions about how to live alongside the coronavirus that shows no signs of disappearing.
Biden’s Health Secretary, Xavier Becerra, had said in a meeting with reporters this week that it’s not about cases… but about severity.
That’s an issue he said came up recently in a meeting with Biden’s Covid response team, and according to CNN, other officials too say this has been an ongoing subject of discussion within the administration.

#Biden #COVID19 #severity

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2021-12-19, 12:00 (KST)

Category: National
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